It's a one-year graduate assistantship, 20 hours a week with the School of Public Health at the University of Maryland, College Park from August 2010—August 2011. Your role as the public relations coordinator for the School of Public Health involves a major emphasis on social media and writing press releases.
You will be expected to:
- Maintain the School’s Facebook page, Twitter account and blog, The Healthy Turtle ( with news and highlights;
- Explore and implement new social media tools;
- Submit news releases to the Association of Schools of Public Health newsletter, The Friday Letter, every week. (;
- Garner media attention from on- and off-campus publications, either on your own or by working with the University Communications office;
- Keep track of media appearances of the School of Public Health and its faculty, staff and students;
- Work with faculty and staff to develop different outlets for SPH research, news and accomplishments;
- and Promote the mission of the School of Public Health.
Skills: Excellent writing suitable for the Web, strong understanding of social media, interest in health topics and issues, works well with people and meets deadlines. Multimedia and some HTML skills preferred.
This assistantship covers much of tuition costs and includes a stipend. For more information about graduate assistantship guidelines and requirements at the University of Maryland, College Park, visit the Graduate Catalog.
About the School of Public Health:
SPH was formed in 2007, uniting six academic units: Kinesiology, Public and Community Health, Health Services Administration, Family Science, Epidemiology and Biostatistics and the Maryland Institution for Applied Environmental Health. The School also includes several research centers. Some of the recently established Centers include the Maryland Center on Health Equity, the Madieu Williams Center for Global Health Initiatives, the Herschel S. Horowitz Health Literacy Center and the UMD-Prevention Research Center. The School’s location allows its faculty and students to focus on improving the health of citizens in Prince George’s County and the capital beltway, where some of the worst health conditions exist. Learn more at
To apply, e-mail a resume, cover letter and one writing sample that is 500 words or less, no later than Monday, June 14, 2010 to:
Shannon Hoffman
Public Relations and Social Media Coordinator
I have greatly enjoyed working with you this past year and wish you well in the future. I also hope that we find someone as creative and competent, who is always upbeat when things get crazy!