Friday, May 21, 2010

Delegate James W. Hubbard Honored at School of Public Health Commencement

Dean Gold honored Delegate James W. Hubbard, Maryland House Delegate of District 23A, with the inaugural Dean's Medal at this morning's commencement for his significant contributions to the health and wellbeing of Marylanders. “We wanted to honor a leader whose work compliments and extends the mission of our own School,” Dean Gold said. “Delegate Hubbard has supported the advancement of health in Prince George’s County and throughout Maryland, and our School has been fortunate to have the opportunity to work with him on his vision for a healthier state.”

The School of Public Health is honored to have worked side-by-side with Delegate Hubbard on several of his health related initiatives, including the establishment of licensure standards for marriage and family therapists.

“Delegate Hubbard has consistently and vigorously championed families and health in his 18 years of service,” said Dr. Carol Werlinich, School of Public Health Family Science instructor and director of the Family Service Center. “Couple and family therapists are especially indebted to him for sponsoring legislation to set licensing standards for those who provide therapy, thus protecting the families of Maryland.”

Delegate Hubbard was a main force behind the establishment of the Wellness Report Card pilot program, which identifies key wellness and prevention issues in select Maryland counties. The School of Public Health is tasked with providing a forum on enhancing the health and wellbeing of residents, analyzing results of the report, developing solutions, and ensuring effective implementation and evaluation.

In 2007 Delegate Hubbard was the main supporter for the Baby Boomer Initiative, charging the School of Public Health with administering a study documenting the economic and social impact of older workers’ roles in the economy and in the community.

For a list of other health-related initiatives that Delegate Hubbard has been involved in, visit here.

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