Monday, December 2, 2013

World AIDS Day events, Dec. 2-7, 2013

The University of Maryland Prevention Research Center is working with the Prince George's County HIV Taskforce and community partners to host several events in observance of World AIDS Day.

The events are designed to raise HIV/AIDS awareness in Prince George's County and beyond.

Monday, December 2

Free HIV and syphilis testing — 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. 
Prince George's Community College, Largo Student Center, 101 Largo Road, Largo, Md.
Heart to Hand, Inc. is providing free HIV and STI testing. Tray Chaney from HBO's The Wire will be there supporting World AIDS Day. Light refreshments will be served with entertainment including a theater group and Chaney's song "Live (World AIDS Anthem)."

Tuesday, December 3

Living With (AIDS) - Hear Greg's Story — 6:30 p.m.
UMD Stamp Student Union, Charles Carroll B
Alpha Theta Gamma Multicultural Sorority is sponsoring the event that discusses living with AIDS through a speaker with first hand experience.


Wednesday, December 4

HIV testing and discussion session — 6:30 - 9:30 p.m.
Silver Spring Civic Center, 1 Veteran's Plaza, Silver Spring, Md
African American Health Program and Community Education Group will hold HIV testing and a discussion session called "Getting to Zero" A Community Discussion.

Screening of The Other City
6 p.m.
at the University Health Center
Sahet Room (room 1150)
The Sexual Health Education and Prevention (SHEP) and Sexual Health And Reproduction Education (SHARE)  peer education groups will screen a documentary about HIV/AIDS in Washington by Susan Koch. The film highlights the epidemic of HIV/AIDS in Washington, DC. The screening is hosted by Jose Ramirez, who is featured in the film. A panel featuring members of the documentary will follow the film. Free pizza will be served.



Thursday, December 5

Condom Couture — 5:30 - 7 p.m.
Stamp Student Union, Grand Ballroom
SHARE, Bedsider UMD, and Theta Pi Sigma present Condom Couture, a fashion show with pieces made solely from condoms to promote safe sex and healthy sexual decisions. The event will feature live entertainment, a photo booth, door prizes, and food and drink during the reception at 5:30 p.m. Attendees are encouraged to dress in formal attire. The event is free but donations will be given to the Whitman Walker AIDS Walk Washington.

Free rapid HIV testing
11 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 

University Health Center,
Ground Floor
The entire campus community can get same-day results from and HIV test for free. Tests are performed on a first-come, first-served basis.

Friday, December 6

Forum on HIV and Stigma— 6 - 9:30 p.m.
Solid Rock Full Gospel Baptist Church
7711Walker Mill Drive, Capital Heights, Md.
Linda Scruggs, minister at Solid Rock Full Gospel Baptist Church, is hosting a spaghetti dinner (6-6:45 PM) which will be followed by a forum including guest speakers, testimonials, videos on barriers to wellness, and a panel discussion on the HIV epidemic from an interventionist perspective. There will be an adult session for questions and answers and a youth session with HIV testimonials. (General admission)

Saturday, December 7 

Prayer Breakfast — 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Solid Rock Full Gospel Baptist Church
7711Walker Mill Drive, Capital Heights, Md.
Solid Rock Full Gospel Baptist Church is hosting an invitation only prayer breakfast for family members affected by HIV. To receive an invitation, contact Solid Rock (301-499-1001) or Heart to Hand (301-772-0103).  The intimate program will include guest speakers from the Prince George's County Health Department, Health Officer Pamela Creekmur, and Program Chief Gwen Anderson.

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