Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday Forum: Help Us Write Our Wikipedia Page

Most people would argue the reliability of Wikipedia, but let's admit it: When the user-produced encyclopedia pops up at the top of our list of generated sources, we get a little excited. Maybe it's not suitable for writing papers, but its simple explanations make Wikipedia a great starting point for understanding complex topics.

Admittedly, when I have an interview coming up with professors and students about their research, Wikipedia is my best friend.

Something is missing from Wikipedia though - Us. Currently, we are developing a page for the School of Public Health at UMD-College Park. I have an outline, but I'm curious, as I've only been here 10 months, what I could have overlooked. That's today's Forum Friday: What highlights in the history of the School of Public Health, what features about it, do you think our Wikipedia page MUST include? Comment below to let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. There are departmental shifts.
    Most recently we've added the three units: epib, hlsa, and mieh. However in the past different units have been created or combined with other units (physical education and knesiology). I'm sure there's a longer history of that with a deeper story.
